ICAD week 5 #29-35

Great prompts this week from Daisy Yellow. For more info on the ICAD project check here.

My 7 cards this week are here:

29-35 for blog

I think I am getting braver and adding lots of brights and textures.

The upper left is paper and fabric scraps with stitching for the prompt “red”. The next grungy one was for the prompt “tomorrowland”…I blogged about it here. The dark blue shibori piece I used for the day when I couldn’t think of anything for the prompt(independence or flag day). The flower bouquet(the prompt) was from an old contour drawing of some flowers which I  printed on tissue paper and collaged with assorted fabrics on a gelli-print background.

The lower left one is a blind contour drawing of the state of California(the prompt)- I used the sewing machine with a free motion foot to do the “blind contour”. The middle bottom one is for the prompt “coffee or tea” and was made using fabric and stitching before the background was added with acrylic paints from a gelli-plate(using a copy of the cup as a resist). The final one is for the prompt “postage stamp”: I went sideways with this prompt and used junk mail to make a collage.

I have run out of stitches on the Pfaff  that I like for my stitch library…so I will drag out the Brother sewing machine and start with those stitches tomorrow.

Hmm..again mostly blue and red/orange like week 4…I will have to force myself to try using yellows and purples I think for next week.


3 thoughts on “ICAD week 5 #29-35

  1. Wow! Marsha, these are wonderful – your best ICADS yet, I think. I love them all, but I think my favourites are the flower bouquet and the junk mail collage. (Hmm, if you start ripping off some of those collage pieces, it might start looking like the grungy walls in the Exchange!)
    Can’t wait to see what you come up with next.


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