Sunprinting and gelli printing again. Yahoo.

Finally, a bit of sun, so I did some sunprinting, and then I did some sunprinting combined with gelli-printing.

I collected lots of interesting leaves on my walk with Stewie through Bunn’s Creek this morning(and walked by a house that was destroyed by fire a few hours later—scary!).

This afternoon, I did some usual sunprinting with orange and green transparent acrylics. I tried some grasses this time, and really like the way they turned out.

orange and green sunprintsThen I decided to mix things up, by doing the background on the gelli plate first, adding some texture, and then adding leaves for sunprinting:

gelli sunprintThis gives a much more interesting background…with textures and a watercolour like effect. I posted a few of these last summer too, but since taking a few gelli-plate classes, I now know more texture processes(see here for more info:

Since I had my gelli-plate out, I did some printing onto fabric and paper using leaves as resists on the gelli-plate. This technique is being featured on another blog:

I actually used a failed sunprint, and gelli-printed on top of it(twice) with an alder leaf(I think) and got an interesting piece that is just perfectly sized for a fabric postcard. I will add batting behind the leaf-print  and trim excess batting away to give a trapunto look, and then quilt the background on some Peltex for the postcard. Some purple/pink threads will highlight the leaf perfectly. I love the way the 2 printings didn’t line up perfectly:

leaf  for postcardAnd lastly, I couldn’t resist pulling a ghost print on paper:

blue leaf ghost printGhost prints are definitely my favorite….especially when old paint is pulled up too. So much fun in just a few minutes of playing in the sun and playing with my gelli-plate.

5 thoughts on “Sunprinting and gelli printing again. Yahoo.

  1. Hello from the UK, thanks for visiting me. I’m so glad you called by so that I could visit your gorgeous blog. I love the sun prints and the gelli plate printing. I have just bought a plate and can’t wait to play. You have inspired me…thank you.


  2. Hello from the west side of Winnipeg! Isn’t it great to see the sun? (Well, except for the storms that blew through this evening.)
    Love your sunprints, especially the gelli-print backgrounds. What a great idea to combine the two techniques. (I just did Carla Sonheim’s gelli plate class, so I’m having fun with printing, too.)


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