Snap: Winterpeg Frost

2016…and time for a new meme from Helena. This year it is “Snap”: between 2 and 4 photos that create a visual set.

Winnipeg’s winter nickname is “Winterpeg”…for many good reasons! This year winter set in with a vengeance…temperatures plummeted from zero degrees Celsius on Dec 1(7 degrees above normal!!) to minus nineteen degrees by December 10th(10 degrees below normal!!). The rapid temperature change has played havoc with humidity in my house leading to windows dripping water on the inside pane of the window and to frost on the outside pane of glass. I am not fond of the dripping water on the inside that is ruining the wood frames of the windows…but I do love the frost.

These 4 photos were taken of the frost on the kitchen windows…with backgrounds of trees or the street.







Linking to Helena’s “Snap” meme here  



12 thoughts on “Snap: Winterpeg Frost

  1. Stunning shots. I love them! I took some similar ones a few years ago, however the frost was on my car windscreen so the light behind the glass wasn’t half as good as yours. Really beautiful.


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