A Photo a Week Challenge: Two Materials

I am going to make an attempt to participate In Nancy Merrill’s photography challenge for 2017. You can read about the challenge here. Basically, she comes up with a theme and posts a photo that she think fits the theme on each Thursday. My task(as well as others following her meme) is to interpret her theme and post a photograph that I think fits the theme before the following Thursday, when a new theme is started.

This week’s theme is “Two Materials”. I think that this photo, which I took yesterday, fits the theme well, with the 2 materials being Glass and Steel. It is a reflection of a steel hydro substation and a glass and steel pedestrian ramp in the glass wall of a Rapid Transit Station.

Linking to Nancy’s blog here.

And since it is a reflection, it works well for this Friday’s Weekend Reflections too! Linking to Weekend Reflections here.

5 thoughts on “A Photo a Week Challenge: Two Materials

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