2015 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt

2015photohuntFor the third year in a row, I participated in a photography scavenger hunt….tons of fun….items to photograph that I would never think about photographing…items to photograph that I think will be hard to find but turn out to be easy….and items to photograph that I think will be easy but turn out to be hard to find!

The scavenger hunt took me all over the city and for 3 items, out of the city. Within the city I found one item right next door while for others I had to go to the opposite end of the city. A lot of items were found at The Forks in Winnipeg…because I go there a lot and also because there are lots of people and activities there!

The list(in no particular order) and where I found them:

a natural body of water(Gimli, Manitoba),

an ornate door knocker(East St. Paul)

a traffic stoplight(Lockport Dam),

people playing a board game(neighbours right next door)

a flagpole with more than 3 flags(Red River Ex……way on the other side of town)

a turtle, an overloaded vehicle and a person walking a dog: George and Stewie of course(Kildonan Park)

a flower bouquet, someone plugged into social media, a university(downtown Winnipeg)

architectural columns, a tent, people wearing matching outfits, a ticket booth and a panorama taken from up high(The Forks)

a public washroom and a carousel(the zoo)

a metal bridge and a cell phone tower(in my end of town)

me holding a sign that reads 2015 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt 2015(my place)

A photo collage of the complete list(click and double click to enlarge):

scavenger hunt collage

Of course, for some items I just couldn’t stop at one.

So, for people wearing matching outfits I got lots of example, including zoo workers, security officers and FIFA women’s soccer fans from the USA and Sweden(fans in the yellow outfits doing their own scavenger hunt):

uniforms collage for fb

And for people “plugged into” social media, lots of example too: photos taken on the bus and while waiting for the bus, on the street downtown and at The Forks:

plugged in collage

My favorite photo has to be the bouquet of flowers:

1 flowersSo another year’s scavenger hunt wrapped up. Thanks very much Rinda…and I look forward to next year! For the blog wrap-up and the blog linky please click here or on the pink flower photo at the beginning of the post.

14 thoughts on “2015 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt

  1. I’ve really enjoyed your collection! I think your bouquet is beautifully snapped, and the only one (I think, or at least I’ve seen so far) which has people in it. Those stars and stripey legs look great en masse :).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I was not just impressed with the photos, but the way you showed them in the end. That was brilliant. I kept saying how hard it was to find someone on social media, then you got all sorts of photos. At first, I thought I would have to give up on that one. I especially liked the flowers and the flags, another nemesis of mine. Your photos are FANTASTIC!!


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