WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Half and Half

The theme of this week’s challenge is Half and Half. I was stumped for awhile…until I came to this part of the description for the challenge:

“This week, share an image that has two clear halves, literally or figuratively….. Or take the theme in other directions: zoom in on a pair of objects that together form a whole. Show two people whose demeanor or personality complement each other.”

When I read this I knew it would have to be my “Purple Couple”. I blurred and desaturated the background and left only the couple with their purple hair/purple shirt and their 2 drinks in colour. I know this is a bit of a clichéd edit..but I think it suits the theme well:

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

This photo was taken at the Old Market Square in Winnipeg during the Fringe Festival yesterday.

Linking to the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge here.


8 thoughts on “WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Half and Half

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