The Changing Seasons: Winnipeg in June


The Changing Seasons - a monthly photo challenge

I discovered another WordPress blog meme, this one started by “Cardinal Guzman”. You can read about it here.  Briefly the objective is: Find a location near your home, take somewhere between 5-20 photos and post them in a gallery in your blog. Continue to do this every month.  It doesn’t even have to be a city.  It can be whatever.  Try to shoot every month, so that in the end of the year, you’ll have a nice and diverse set of photos in your portfolio. The idea is to capture all the changes: the seasons, the weather, different times of the day, some night photography perhaps? Also, the idea is to build your portfolio and train your eye.

Sounds like fun to me. I am starting halfway through…but with 7 months of 2015 I can still capture 3 of Winnipeg’s seasons.

I chose a very large(411 acres) and quite neglected park called Kil-Cona Park. It is only a 45 minutes walk from my house. It is primarily an off-leash dog park, the largest in Winnipeg. There are also lots of other facilities (golf course, soccer fields, miniature golf, tennis courts, a restaurant etc) in another section of the park. In the winter there is cross-country skiing on trails and ice-skating on the lakes (with a warming hut).

I have just begun to explore this park, so different months may have different sections featured.

Most of the photographs for this month are from the off-leash dog park and include some wildlife(Canada Geese and goslings), flowering trees, wild flowers(ie weeds!), people walking with or without dogs and assorted views of the park..including the view from the top of the hill towards the city:

(click on collage to enlarge)

kilcona park for blog collage

Check out other June postings here.

See you next month with lots of photos!!

7 thoughts on “The Changing Seasons: Winnipeg in June

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